Book Creator

Curriculum Newsletter Spring 2021-2022

by Aspire - Sandy Hill Academy

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Forthcoming events:
6th Rocksteady Concert
8th End of Spring Term. Early finish at 2:00pm (Kids Club open as normal).
12th, 13th & 20th Go Active Holiday Club at Sandy Hill (click here for more detail)
25th Summer term starts - Return to school

2nd May Bank Holiday
17th 'And the beat goes on' - Non stop dancing fundraiser for defibrillator
19th Census Day Special Menu - Around the world
30th to 3rd June Summer half term holiday

6th Return to school
13th - 17th Swimming lessons Year 6 Oak (1:30-2:30pm)
20th - 24th Swimming lessons Year 5 Cedar (1:30-2:30pm)
27th to 1st July Swimming lessons Year 4 Beech (1:30-2:30pm)

4th - 8th Swimming lessons Year 4 Sycamore (1:30-2:30pm)
11th - 15th Swimming lessons Year 3 Elm (1:30-2:30pm)
17th - 21st Swimming lessons Year 3 Ash (1:30-2:30pm)
Head of School Welcome
It's been wonderful to see so many parents in school this term. Parent meetings held face-to-face have been a welcome return. Similarly, Key Stage 2 mid-term meetings were a super opportunity to share your children's learning as well as national updates with you. Last week's Bedtime Stories was another special event where the children were able to snuggle up with their teddies and listen to favourites stories. Our reading and phonics workshops with parents were also well supported with lots of information shared, supporting reading both at home and in school. Everyone should now have received this information.

Please feel free to let us know if you have any availability whatsoever to further support with this and other classroom learning, volunteering as a parent helper. We'd be delighted for you to complete the DBS information and join us in class!

As always, your children have made us incredibly proud again this term, with Shakespeare workshops, extra-curricular clubs and trips where numerous visitors have commented on their super attitudes to learning and positive behaviour - true Sandy Hill STARS!

Finally, on behalf of myself and the whole staff team, we wish you all an enjoyable Easter Holiday ahead.