Book Creator

Newsletter 3- Summer 2021

by Aspire - Sandy Hill Academy

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Curriculum Newsletter
Summer 2021
Forthcoming events:
31st May to 6th June - Summer half term

21st June - World Music Day

22nd June - Vision Screening (Reception Pupils)

21st June to 25th June - National School Sport Week

21st July - Last day of term - School and Kids Club finishes at 2:00pm.

22nd & 23rd July - INSET Days (School closed to pupils)
Restormel Early Help Team and their Money Matters Advisor are offering monthly Family Worker drop in sessions at both their St Austell and Newquay Family Hubs. No appointment is necessary.

Please click on the files below for full details of locations, dates and times.
Head of School Welcome
Welcome to our Summer Term Curriculum Newsletter.

Firstly, I'd like to take this opportunity to say a huge well done to all our pupils, who have yet again shown great attributes of character, focusing on Sandy Hill Star values across the curriculum and who continue to demonstrate excellent attitudes to learning!

Of course, none of this just happens and the whole staff team (even whilst still in bubbles) have worked together with a true commitment and passion, to ensure children continue to be enthused by topics, lessons, deepening subject knowledge, developing new skills and continually revisiting and building upon basic skills - all the while ensuring children are feeling safe and happy at school throughout this time, as always.

Following our class focussed newsletter at the end of last term, I am excited to share with you our curriculum newsletter this half term. We will alternate between class and curriculum newsletters each half term to ensure you get a full overview of the excellent and exciting learning, experiences and and events happening across our school, from Nursery to Year 6.

Thank you to all our parents and carers who we recognise and appreciate continue to work with and support us to enable the best outcomes for all children.

Mrs Rundle
Head of School
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Observational drawing
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Tint and tone
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Since returning to School pupils' have had the opportunity to use different media to print with and painting. During Art this term the whole school have been focusing on collage and 3d form with a continued emphasis with drawing skills applied through drawing and sketching.

Here is a look at what some Year groups have been up to with their Art this term.

The Early Years have been using the great outdoors as a stimulus for our artwork. The children have been drawing and painting different plants, noticing the lines and patterns.

Year 2 have been using clay and have created their own collage castles using newspaper, magazines and coloured paper.

Year 3 have created their own 'Stone Age' collage huts using materials from outside.

Year 5 have created their own masks using tissue paper.

We are all very proud of our fantastic pieces of artwork we create.

Using Keezy to create jingles.
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Logging onto the Chromebooks.
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Unplugged - Lego coding!
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Espresso coding.
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Using the internet to save images.

Throughout this year, classes across the school have been developing their digital literacy by focussing on staying safe and responsible whilst using a variety of technology. Our computing curriculum is centred around the concept of being digitally literate and then applying this knowledge and understanding when using the Chromebooks and iPads in school, as well as whilst using the internet at home.

In our final term, we are focussing on honing our skills across the three strands of the computing curriculum: digital literacy, information technology and computer science (coding). It has been fantastic to see the creativity from each class; often using the skills to link to other areas of the curriculum such as topic, science, and independent writing.
In Key Stage 1, classes have been learning how to log onto the Chromebooks using their QR codes. They have also been learning about the different parts of a computer using technical vocabulary. In Key Stage 2, many classes have been using the Chromebooks to practise their typing skills for their English and topic work. They have also been using the iPads to create animations, jingles and produce music.

Each class continue to use Espresso to learn the coding skills relevant to their year group. We are really looking forward to developing these skills further into the next part of the summer term! 
Design and Technology
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Cardboard construction
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Lunch box designs
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Stitching in textiles
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Constructing an earthquake building
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Creating monoprints
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Reception Duplo creations