Book Creator

Newsletter 4 - Summer 2021

by Aspire - Sandy Hill Academy

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Half Termly Newsletter
Summer 2021
Forthcoming events:
21st July - Last day of term - School and Kids Club finishes at 2:00pm
(No After School Club on this date)

22nd & 23rd July - INSET Days (School closed to pupils)

6th & 7th September - INSET Days (School closed to pupils)

8th September - Children return to school (Autumn term) 8:30-8:40am

22nd October - Year 1 Hearing Screening

25th - 29th October (inc) Autumn Half Term

1st November - INSET Day (School closed to pupils)
Notifying change of circumstances

Please tell us of any changes to you or your child's personal details (i.e name, address, telephone numbers, emergency contact details, medical details, email address or relationship change). Certain changes may be updated directly via the Arbor Parent Portal, however if you have any difficulty please email the school office at:
Head of School Welcome
Welcome to our final newsletter of this academic year.

First of all, I'd like to pay tribute to our incredible pupils. In what has been another challenging academic year, our pupils have once again demonstrated how amazing they are. During a time of much change, they have shown courage, resilience and just how adaptable they are whilst still being mindful and supportive of their peers. They really are true Sandy Hill Stars, we are very proud of them and they are an absolute credit to you all.

We continue to endeavour to use the experiences of recent times to become opportunities for the future, and I thank our committed whole staff team who have also demonstrated the values of Sandy Hill STARS throughout this period, with a shared professional, resolute and caring focus at the forefront for all pupils at all times.

We have already started to plan for the next academic year and hope that you all will have seen our recent communications regarding staffing updates and school day timings for September 2021. If not, please take a moment to visit our school website to view the letters issued (Parents>Letters Home) and also periodically check our calendar to keep up to date with any forthcoming events.

We hope you all have a wonderful, safe and well-deserved Summer holiday. We look forward to welcoming you all back to school on Wednesday 8th September.

Finally, to our Year 6 leavers, we wish you all the very best in the future and are confident you will all go on to accomplish great things. We look forward to hearing from you with your future successes.

Mrs. Rundle
Head of School
Nursery - Acorn Class
Nursery - Acorn Class
It has been a super busy Summer term in Acorn Class!

The children thoroughly enjoyed World Music Day during which we explored African music relating to our Safari topic of learning. The children practiced their physical skills and coordination to create movements to the music with scarfs.

We have had lots of fun in the sun too! The children did a fantastic job at preparing for their Sports Day, showing great resilience and team spirit. When Sports Day arrived at the end of the term, the children were very excited to participate in the special day!

For some of the children in Acorn Class it has been their last term with us before their exciting learning journey continues into Reception in September! We have been celebrating lots of learning during our final term and ensured that we have shared lots of smiles and laughter to form fond memories.

We wish you all the best as your learning journey continues, whether that be in Nursery or Reception! You have all demonstrated that you are Sandy Hill Stars and you should be very proud of everything you have achieved this year!

We hope you have an fantastic summer filled with fun and joy! Well done Amazing Acorn Class! Miss Polmouter, Mrs Williams and Miss Cocks
Reception - Apple Class
Sports Day Fun
Reception - Apple Class
The children in Apple Class have enjoyed our Seaside Topic this half term. They have enjoyed both being creative and curious. The children have loved exploring rock pools, sea creatures and finding out about the big blue sea and who lives within it.

Both reception classes held their end of year Sports Day last week. The children enjoyed taking part in many of the traditional races which of course included our favourite - the egg and spoon race! The children all demonstrated they were true Sandy Stars, by being supportive and encouraging each other, showing fairness and trying their best. Following the event, the children were all treated to an ice lolly. Congratulations to all of you who took part, you really are sporting superheroes!

We are so proud of all of the children in Apple Class and feel priviledged to have been able to share and witness this first chapter in your learning journey. Since joining Reception last year, you have all grown in ability and confidence. We will miss you all as you move on to Year One, but know you will go on to flourish and shine.

We all hope you have an amazing Summer holiday and wish you and your families all the very best.

Miss Penny, Miss Stanaway and Mrs Whetter
Reception - Cherry Class