Book Creator

Half Termly Newsletter - Spring 2022

by Aspire - Sandy Hill Academy

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Half Termly Newsletter
Spring 2022
Forthcoming events:
18th INSET Day

Half Term: Monday 21st - Friday 25th February

1st Special Lunch Menu - Cornish Picnic Party
2nd Reception & Year 6 National Child Measurement Programme
3rd World Book Day 25th Anniversary - Non uniform (Dress as your favourite book character)
3rd Special Lunch Menu - World Book Day Story Burger
4th St.Piran's Day - Non uniform (Dress in black, white & gold)
8th Parent Meetings (Nursery - Year 6)
9th Parent Meetings (Nursery - Year 6)
14th - 18th Science Week
21st - 22nd Shakespeare Explorer Workshops (KS1 and KS2)
22nd Kernow King - The Cornish Caretakers

7th Special Lunch Menu - Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
8th End of Spring Term. Early finish at 2:00pm (Kids Club open as normal).

19th Census Day Special Menu - Around the world
Notifying change of circumstances

Please tell us of any changes to you or your child's personal details (i.e name, address, telephone numbers, emergency contact details, medical details, email address or relationship change). Certain changes may be updated directly via the Arbor Parent Portal, however if you have any difficulty please email the school office at:
Head of School Welcome
Exciting DT days, including pottery, bridge making, Amazonian tree houses, Barbara Hepworth inspired sculptures and exciting discussions around career opportunities linked to design across the school bring another half term to a close - and what a wonderful way to finish!

As a school, this half term has proven to be challenging for us with both pupil and staffing Covid cases meaning consistency has not been as any of us would like, compounded by the lack of availability of teaching supply staff. Certainly, we look forward, to what we hope will be a more settled half term on our return and thank our own staff team who have again gone above and beyond to strive for consistency for our pupils and all classes remaining open. The Department for Education updates for schools will be announced at the start of the holiday and we look forward to sharing this with you. In the meantime, a huge thank you for your continued support and understanding at this time.

Despite the challenges, we've remained determined to ensure all our pupils continue to have an enriched learning experience. Our Y6 pupils had an inspirational trip to Falmouth University this month whilst our Nursery pupils have loved the fun and joy of performing their nursery rhyme of the week to an appreciative audience - it's been wonderful to see pupils across the school make the most of the opportunities offered, including use of the microscopes and new science equipment to build upon their investigation skills. We look forward to sharing further motivational events and career links again weaved into pupil's learning across the curriculum next half term.

I hope everyone enjoys a super half term holiday ahead!
Nursery - Acorn Class
Making Chinese Lanterns for Chinese New Year!
All About Me Boxes - Welcoming our new friends
Healthy Movers - Coordination and Object Control
Nursery - Acorn Class
In Acorn Class we have had another busy half term of learning! First of all we welcomed our new January starter children by sharing their 'All About Me' boxes. The children loved learning about their new friend's favourite hobbies, toys and families. The children who have started with us this half term have settled in brilliantly and they should be very proud of themselves!

During our Healthy Movers sessions this half term, we have been focusing on coordination and object control. We have been using scarfs and balls to help develop our physical skills. The children have been practising to throw, catch and roll objects in order to develop their coordination and object control. The children enjoyed working independently and together with their peers!

Towards the end of this half term, we have been focusing our learning on 'Chinese New Year'. We have learnt how to make Chinese lanterns and Chinese Dragons to decorate our classroom! The children showed high levels of energy and fascination during this topic, particularly during our Chinese New Year science experiments! We created fireworks in a jar and dancing noodles and we loved observing the changes that happened!

Well done Acorn Class for continuing your learning journey in Nursery! We are looking forward to starting our new topic 'In the Garden' after half term!
Reception - Apple Class
exploring fruit art and noticing patterns
what could it be ... investigating a vintage hot water bottle
Reception - Cherry Class
We have been exploring vintage artefacts and looking at old photos of our familiar local area.
We have focused on being a kind friend and working cooperatively. We love 'Friends Friday' when we value friendship and focus on skills such as turn taking and complimenting our friends.
We have been learning about the importance of good oral health.
We have enjoyed learning about musical instruments and how they are played. We have been writing and following our own music too!
Reception - Apple and Cherry Classes
This half term in Reception has been fun and full of learning. We started the half term exploring old artefacts, such as: a vintage hot water bottle, a wooden Pinocchio puppet, and weighing scales. The children hypothesised about what the items were once used for, and studied them to look for clues. The children were fixated on the different items that we showed them! This then led us on to looking at photographs that were taken in the past, and compared them to the present day. We looked at our local area and even an old picture of what Sandy Hill looked like before the school was built. This led on to some great discussions!

This half term we have also been inspired by of art of Dennis Wojtkiewicz. Dennis Wojtkiewicz creates incredibly detailed observational paintings of fruit slices. During our sequential sessions, the children were taught skills to enable them to create their own art pieces in the style of Dennis Wojtkiewicz's work. The children were then provided with the opportunities to use their skills independently when provided with inspiring provocations to practise their skills using different mediums.

The children have been working on their speaking and listening skills during the weekly show and tell sessions. With the children we have been working on our questioning skills and learning to be good listeners. After half term we are looking forward to continuing our show and tell sessions with a focus on our favourite stories.

Well done Reception on your journey of learning!