Book Creator

Ancestors And Me

by Tiffy Zong

Pages 4 and 5 of 37

She didn’t treat me like the little princess other mothers treated their daughters. She wanted me to be the smartest. So she never cared about how I felt or my opinion. All she cared about was how I studied. She discourages me to participate in other activities such as swimming and art. Everyday all she says is “ Lin, have you studied yet? Have you finished your school homework? Did you complete the extra math problem I gave you?” And every time I would answer with no. I could never finish all those before I had to make dinner again. I always wished that I could quickly eat dinner then work on my homework again so I could go outside and play before it was dark. But Ma says we weren’t allowed to even touch the food if Pa didn’t eat first. Usually Pa comes home when I make the steamed fish. But tonight I finished cooking the fish and there was still no sign of Pa.
2 years later and Pa’s name was never even mentioned. We lost hope for finding him to.