Book Creator

My Cozy Place

by Nicole Pagtakhan


My Cozy Place
By Ms. P
Desk with a salt lamp
mirror (affirmations written with dry erase marker) & makeup bag
Gaming pc (Playing Osu!)
My cozy place is my bedroom. Though people say to reserve the bedroom for sleeping, I also have my PC in it, and I like to do my makeup in my bedroom while sitting on the floor. I do Zoom calls from my PC but also play video games on it and talk to my friends late at night.

What is your cozy place like?
I own three blankets, and four pillows. My favorite pillow is a longer one with a silk case, and my favorite blanket is a gray one because it's the softest one I have.
I also have many stuffed animals, but I only sleep with one. It's a Tsum Tsum plush of Chip, but I don't have Dale.

Do you have a favorite item to snuggle with?
I use my mirror everyday when I put on makeup and choose my outfit to wear. It's also fun to sing and dance in front of it!
I like having affirmations and other fun drawings on my mirror because they give me an extra boost of confidence and make me feel happy.

What are some positive things you tell yourself?
Some other things that make my bedroom cozy are the lights and sounds!
I like to turn off my ceiling light and turn on my string lights and my salt lamp.
I like to listen to relaxing music to wind down before bed, if I'm not talking to my friends online.

What do you do to feel calm?
I like to do a lot of things at my PC. From joining Zoom calls, talking to my friends on Discord, watching YouTube, listening to music, and playing video games.
The PC itself was a lot of work to build, but it was worth it! It's pretty because it has many lights on it and I can change the colors of them at anytime.

What do you like to do in your cozy place?