Book Creator

4D eBook Project Altnmarkt

by NIN

Pages 6 and 7 of 57

Monday morning and afternoon

In the morning we met and drove to Altenmarkt in Salzburg by coach .
The journey lasted around three hours.
When we arrived we first went to our rooms and put our luggage there.
At twelve o’clock lunch was ready ,by the way, the food was really delicious.
In the afternoon we had our first two English lessons.
One lesson was with Suzanne and the other one with Colm.
Both introduced what they wanted to do and what we were going to learn during the week.
We also played some games to get to know each other.
The lessons lasted for three hours.
After the classes we had some freetime to do something with our friends.
Some of us played games in their rooms, went outside to the playgrounds or just had fun in the hotel.
My friends and I played football outside.
It was really nice, because the weather was great and I loved to spend time with my friends.
After the classes we had some freetime to do something with our friends.
Some of us played games in their rooms, went outside to the playgrounds or just had fun in the hotel.
My friends and I played football outside.
It was really nice, because the weather was great and I loved to spend time with my friends.