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Kiwi Birds

by Gibson Rasmussen

Pages 4 and 5 of 13

Kiwi Birds
By Gibson Osmond Rasmussen
Have your ever seen a bird not able to fly? Well this type of bird does not fly. It looks hairy and has a long beak. This bird is called a Kiwi. Kiwis are small Flightless birds with very long beaks.
Kiwi Birds are actually very unique unlike some other birds. They have feathers that are like hair but they are still feathers. They have long and narrow beaks. One thing is that Kiwis never Fly.
One sad thing is that Kiwis are endangered species because they get hunted by Dogs and cats and People. There was a Kiwi Bird named Marlow but he was killed by a Dog.. So there is only 68,000 Kiwis left in the world.
There are some people around the world that look out for Kiwi birds and protect them from bad things such as Dogs, Cats, Hunters And other things. So you can help kiwis out too!
Were all my work came from:
“Kiwi.” San Diego Zoo Animals & Plants,
Accessed 18 January 2023.“World Book Student.” OCLC,
02160/kiwi%20bird. Accessed 19 January 2023.
Some of the work is also by: Eliot Hall
“Kiwi.” San Diego Zoo Animals & Plants,
Accessed 18 January 2023.“World Book Student.” OCLC,
Rip Marlow

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