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Solutions of simple salts of metal ions can also be acidic, even though a metal ion cannot donate a proton directly to water to produce H3O+H3O+. Instead, a metal ion can act as a Lewis acid and interact with water, a Lewis base, bycoordinatingtoalonepairofelectronsontheoxygenatomtoformahydratedmetal ion (part (a) in Figure A water molecule coordinated to a metal ion is more acidic than a free water molecule for two reasons. First, repulsive electrostatic interactions between the positively charged metal ion and the partially positively charged hydrogen atoms of the coordinated water molecule make it easier for the coordinated water to lose a proton.
Solutions of simple salts of metal ions can also be acidic, even though a metal ion cannot donate a proton directly to water to produce H3O+H3O+. Instead, a metal ion can act as a Lewis acid and interact with water, a Lewis base, bycoordinatingtoalonepairofelectronsontheoxygenatomtoformahydratedmetal ion (part (a) in Figure A water molecule coordinated to a metal ion is more acidic than a free water molecule for two reasons. First, repulsive electrostatic interactions between the positively charged metal ion and the partially positively charged hydrogen atoms of the coordinated water molecule make it easier for the coordinated water to lose a proton.
Figure Effect of a Metal Ion on
theAcidityofWater(a)Reactionofthemetal ion Al3+
Al3+ with water to form the hydrated metal ion is an example of a Lewis acid–base reaction. (b) The positive charge on the aluminum ion attracts electron density from the oxygen atoms, which shifts electron density away from the O–H bonds. The decrease in electron density weakens the O–H bonds in the water molecules and makes it easier for them to lose a proton.
Figure Effect of a Metal Ion on
theAcidityofWater(a)Reactionofthemetal ion Al3+
Al3+ with water to form the hydrated metal ion is an example of a Lewis acid–base reaction. (b) The positive charge on the aluminum ion attracts electron density from the oxygen atoms, which shifts electron density away from the O–H bonds. The decrease in electron density weakens the O–H bonds in the water molecules and makes it easier for them to lose a proton.
The magnitude of this effect depends on the following two factors (Figure 16.9.2
The charge on the metal ion. A divalent ion (M
M2+) has approximately twice as strong an effect on the electron density in a coordinated water molecule as a monovalent ion (M
M+) of the same radius.
The radius of the metal ion. For metal ions with the same charge, the smaller the ion, the shorter the internuclear distance to the oxygen atom of the water molecule and the greater the effect of the metal on the electron density distribution in the water molecule.