Book Creator

Writing . . . Oh My!

by Ashley Evans FCPS MD - ACTT


What Tool Should I Choose Today?
My teacher has us write every day in school.
There are different ways to complete the assignments.
I can choose the one that works best for me each day.  I can choose a different way for each writing assignment.
I could use a pencil or I could use the Chromebook. 
Thought Bubble
Here are my choices:

I can use paper and pencil.

I can type sentences on the Chromebook.

I can talk type into the Chromebook and it will write for me.
Paper/ pencil is good for writing a short answer or one sentence.
But talk typing is a way to finish my work a bit quicker and then I can take a break.
I need to remember that when I get frustrated or overwhelmed with writing, I can:
Take deep breaths
Ask for help
I need to remember to ask myself . . .Which is easier to use today?
A pencil or technology?