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My Trip to All the Planets

by Addy Williams

Pages 2 and 3 of 9

I want to go to Neptune, Saturn, and Jupiter because it is so fun and pretty. First, I will pack water and a snack, and toys, doggies and kitties and my airpack. Then I will get in my spaceship and go to Jupiter. When I get there I would play with my kitties and my dog and my toys.
I will also eat my snack and I would play with Roz. After that, me and Roz will watch a movie with Mom and Daddy. Then after we all play, we will camp in a tent. For breakfast we will eat cereal. It was too windy on Jupiter so we flew away on my rocketship to go to Saturn. Then we played on the rings. And then we went back inside our tent and watched another movie.

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