Book Creator

My Trip to the Sun

by Jedediah Rajala

Pages 2 and 3 of 5

I want to go to the Sun because I want to find toys. First I will pack a pumpkin train, cheese, chips, rootbeer, cake, chocolate milk, icecream, and a pumpkin. Then I will get in my spaceship and go to a volcano on the sun. When I get there I will eat all my snacks and build a house.
My house is on the beach. There is a pumpkin on the sand. I played on the sand. I am making a big big big fort. I will make windows. I will have icecream cones on the sun with lots of icecream. Then we will take the rocketship on the moon. I will get ice and drink water. I will fly back to Earth. The end.
My house is on the beach. There is a pumpkin on the sand. I played on the sand. I am making a big big big fort. I will make windows. I will have icecream cones on the sun with lots of icecream. Then we will take the rocketship on the moon. I will get ice and drink water. I will fly back to Earth. The end.

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