(copy) Ginger Pye

by Jia

Pages 2 and 3 of 9

By: Jocelyn
In the beginning . . .
In the beginning, Jerry had gone to see puppies up for sale at Mrs. Speedy's barn. He had fallen in love with one of the puppies. The only problem was that the puppy cost $1 - so much that Jerry couldn't bear to ask his parents for the money. He decided to make it himself. Though he had no idea how. His sister Rachel found out about his plan and insisted to help. But even with his sister's help, Jerry had no clue how to make the dollar to get the puppy.
Hi! I am Ginger Pye! 
Speech Bubble
The Rising Action...
By: Jia
During the Rising Action, Jerry found out that if he did not have the money for the dog by 6:00 the puppy would be sold. Jerry was frantic as he desperately looked for ways to find the dollar. He knew that he could not ask his parents since the were not very well of people. It just so happened that Sam Doody had a job at the church that needed to be done. He came to the Pye's house and asked for the to dust the pews at church for a dollar, just enough for the puppy. He went to the barn to pick up the puppy. They had made it just in time. As they were walking home the heard footsteps, they decided the footsteps belonged to an unsavory character. . . A few months later they forgot about the unsavory character, and decided to name the puppy Ginger. But then, they started to uncover the distant figure again. During that period of time Rachel, Jerry, and their friend went to the lake to swim. While they were there they found that a person had left their yellow hat. The same yellow hat that belonged to the unsavory character. So, they decide to mark the hat in case they find it again.