An Afro-Venture

by Frederick Gunsch

Pages 2 and 3 of 17

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Gabriel. He was a Canadian and had quite a large afro. He was 4,10 and He was not like the rest. When he came to school, he felt the urge to ask his crush out on a date at the local coffee shop. 
He went up to the girl, Amelia, and said, “Hey, you want to go out and get coffee later?” 

She responded boldly, “No I would never!” Amelia ran off into the distance, while Gabe stood there, embarrassed. He went home that day very sad. When he got home his parents rushed to him. 

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Gabriel. He was a Canadian and had quite a large afro. He was 4,10 and He was not like the rest. When he came to school, he felt the urge to ask his crush out on a date at the local coffee shop. 
He went up to the girl, Amelia, and said, “Hey, you want to go out and get coffee later?” 

She responded boldly, “No I would never!” Amelia ran off into the distance, while Gabe stood there, embarrassed. He went home that day very sad. When he got home his parents rushed to him.