A new book

by Gabriele Triarsi

Pages 2 and 3 of 17

   Chapter 1
   A bright idea   
“I wish I can see my family again, my Mom, Dad, my brother, sister. I miss them,” said Demarcus. He stood up walking over to his dog,Buxton, who was laying down in his bed beside him. He opened the treats and put them in his bowl watching him eat. Demarcus would just think about his parents and siblings just imagining he could get them back. Demarcus thought, “You know what, if I want them back I should go out and find them”.  He scrambled up the stairs to his room trying to plan out how he could go on this quest to find them. It wouldn't be easy despite the fact he has Attention deficit disorder (ADD) so it would be hard for him to pay attention to this. But that didn't stop him. He thought and thought for hours brainstorming tons of plans, but one key thing was missing, their location. He kept trying to think on how he could find it, but then he remembered something big, he remembered the note his dad left him last summer before they left. He rushed back downstairs searching all through the drawers
cabinets everywhere, but when he was about to give up he opened one last drawer and all the at the bottom buried in stuff there it was, the note it read out “I know you really wanted to go to the waterpark son but you fell asleep and we had to leave we were on a time crunch, im sorry but we will always make it up to you in the future''. -Dad. Demarcus tried to remember what he was talking about, then it caught on. Demarcus hollowed  out “Ohhh ya I do remember that” he went back up into his room and planned out where to go and how to get there.

Chapter 2
Counting down the days

 After many hours he was finished, ya it may have looked like scribbles on a paper but it's ok because demarcus understood them. He had marked his calendar seven days after when he started the journey. He went to sleep for the night thinking about his family. Day 1: He had started off by packing up some clothes and strong armor for protection.” Day 2: He would pack up weapons such as a knife, Axe, and a big sword he had found while scrummaging around