The Quest for the Pancreas

by Thomas Kostenbader


The Quest for the Pancreas
By Thomas Kostenbader
My name is Thomas. One day I woke up in my house which is in the woods. When I got up I saw a paper on my nightstand that said,

"In script" "If you don’t know already I stole your pancreas in the middle of the night, come find me if you want it back.”

 A side note: I can't read script so I used my phone to translate it and I didn’t know what to do. I also remembered stories about the thing stealing people’s pancreas. I found a map that had a point where I was supposed to go. It had a layout of my house, a forest and a castle. Lucky for me it had a line on where to go and how to get there. So I packed my bags and headed out on an adventure. Once I got to the forest I found a sword in the ground it looked like a needle it had a plak that said”The one who pulls thy sword may be the chosen disabled.” So then I pulled at the sword and it came out. I thought to myself that this would come in handy later then I moved onto the forest. Slashing the thick trees out of the way after 2 hours of being in the forest I got to the plains with a road to a castle in the distance.  Even though the journey wasn’t over yet it felt like it took forever just to get here.
Just then I saw 2 goblins that said”GIVE US YOUR PANCREAS!” While rushing towards me.

 Quickly I got my sword out and killed them. I then continued on the road and finally got to the castle. Once I approached the doors, they opened. I thought I was in a horror movie for a second then I saw the thing. 

I said “Give me my pancreas back Now!”

 The thing responded with”You’ll have to kill me first.”

 Then we battled it out after a while we both got tired. But I didn’t stop. Then I finally jabbed him in the stomach. Up close he was just a weird shadow figure.

Before he died he said”Good job.”Then started continuing saying”Wake up Wake up Wake up Wake up Wake up Wake up Wake up.”

 Then I woke up in a hospital. Later I found out I went too low and passed out. I was starting to remember everything and that everything that just happened wasn't real.

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