A new book

by casey nugent

Pages 4 and 5 of 6

She walked along the trail until she saw a really weird type of pond.But there wasn't water in it,but caramel.She saw the caramel bubbling.She thought someone was drowning,so she went towards it,put her hand out.But she fell in it.She tried to get out but she couldn’t!She was struggling to get out.Suddenly the magical tree above her that she thought was an evil tree since the forest was so creepy swooped down and grabbed her by the branches before she fully submerged into the quicksand.

Betty said “Thank you so much!,you saved me.How could I ever repay you”
The tree said”You shall slay the witch and take her wand,then break the curse spell she caused on our beautiful kingdom and forest”.

Betty nodded her head and hiked to the witches cave. She was relieved she was finally there.Before she went into the witches dark and eerie cave she took out her sword.When she walked into it she saw cobwebs,blood,and gooey stuff on the wall.

The witch appeared in front of her ”well,well,well,look who decided to show,”the witch said in a gruff scratchy voice
“You have to give me your wand so I can break the curse you set on my kingdom or else I will slay you!”she replied.

“In your dreams”the witch said.

Betty began to charge at her,but she couldn't get a hold of her because she moved swiftly on her broomstick.She thought of an idea.Betty decided to cut her broom stick in half
As soon as Betty cut her broomstick,the evil witch started to sob.Betty was so confused.

The witch said “Get out of here!,you have done enough”.She threw her wand at her in sadness.

“Thank you”.Then she entered out of the cave with the wand and turned her sword into a big dragon.Then quickly rode home on it to save her kingdom.As soon as she landed on the ground of Candy Cuss she broke the curse the witch had set on the kingdom.The rotted trees and castle started to change in color and form.The food started to despoil and the people started to feel better.All of the people of the kingdom ran out of their houses and began to thank Betty.They all started cheering her name.

This was the first time in her life she got so much attention.She felt so happy and hugged her dad.After this day she made so many friends and was known as the princess that saved her kingdom

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