Vivi Design Cycle

by Vivi


Empathize - Learn, Observe, Ask
Problems in the Garden
Class Brainstorm
-Weeds 1) A lot 2) strong (especially on the edges) and 3) kept growing
-We were hot and burning
-Ground was hard and dry
-Dirt getting in your eyes
-We were thirsty
-Trash blowing around, trashcan far away
-Watering plants 1) Where to get water? 2) Watering the center?
-People (MS kiddos) walking on plants
-Good bugs getting hurt
Define - What are the problems?
How can we water the plants in our garden?
1) How do we water ALL of the plant?
2) How do we get water to the garden area?
What do we need to know to solve the problem?
Define - What are the problems?
We talked to the AAS gardener, Nadia.
Define - What are the problems?
We made observations and tried a few strategies on our own.
Define - What are the problems?
We defined our problem even further!
Watering Problems to Solve:
-One watering can has a hole.
-We only two shower heads to share.
-There are not enough watering cans for everyone.
-Water is far from the plants. It takes many trips back and forth.
-People fought over the hose and were shouting.
-In the hose area, a lot of people were splashed and got wet.
-Watering cans are really heavy when full.