
by Florence Leggett


CHALLENGE! How many emojis can you spot?
By Flo Leggett ��
Catching the yeast
1) To catch the yeast, we filled a small container with a mixture of flour and water.
2) We covered the top of the pot with gauze in order to only let bacteria in.
3) We then left that outside for 6 hours.
4) We took it inside, tipped the mixture into a flask and left it in a warm place (e.g in the sun or by the radiator).
Feeding the yeast
Every day for 4 days, we tipped half of the mixture away and added more flour.
This made sure that only the bacteria that could survive on flour were left: the yeast.
Sometimes, my yeast would get hyperactive and fizz while it was in the flask!! It overflowed lots...
Making the sponge
The sponge is the first step to making the dough. First, we added some white flour and salt to a mixing bowl.
Then, we added a bit of the yeast mixture (100g) and some water, then mixed it In.
Next, we left it in the sun for 3-4 hours in order for it to double in size.
Making the dough
To make the dough, we added more flour and salt to the sponge.
Then, we kneaded the dough for a long time, which made my arms ache!!
We had to make sure that the dough was in a nice round shape because that would be the shape of the actual loaf.
Next, we had to score the dough...
...which means to mark a cross on the top of the ball of dough.
I marked an F for Flo on top of mine!
We also sprinkled more flour on the top.
We did this gently with a knife.
WARNING: Get an adult to supervise you with sharp things.