Game of Halcyon

by Grade 8 @halcyonschool


Game of Halcyon!
You will be making a board game to introduce new students to Halcyon!
Use this page to jot down 3 to 5 things that you love about board games...
You will be making a board game to introduce new students to Halcyon!
Use this page to jot down 3+ people, 3+ rooms and 3+ objects that your game needs to include!
You will be making a board game to introduce new students to Halcyon!
The board games will be flat (on a board!)... what shape/size would you like yours to be? Please illustrate below
Board is the shape of a halcyon, and to win you must travel all around the board to the beak
All great games need simple and clear rules. Put these here!
- start/finish
- dice/other
- how you win
Start at marble arch and make your way though the streets to the school by rolling the dice, be carful when landing on chances or spikes
pick a character and meet different people in each room you enter, pick up some game changing items and explore halcyon!
to win make it though a the whole halcyon experience in one piece and if you do you can fly high like the students of halcyon.
Your board goes here!
Draw your playing board out (on paper/app) and put it here... make it look bright, colourful and clear!