The In Between

by Cooper Roth

Pages 2 and 3 of 12

In Between
The years in between 12 and 20
There are plenty
Each its own entity
You are not a seed any more
You’ve got life’s chores
Like learning about the Napoleonic wars
And Beethoven’s scores
But those you might not adore
You’ve got to find a passion
So grab a seat belt to fasten
Because life can be an assassin
“I’m not askin’ I’m telling you
The years in between take prisoners”
Or maybe you rather just be a listener
Are you kissing her?
God, teenagers!
How about you focus on your majors and stop doing favors for the flavors that treat you like shit
You gotta nit-pick yourself if you wanna be great
Block out the hate
Clean up your dinner plate
Did you really read all that text? Or were you smart enough to click the link?
Did you remember to breathe?
It might just be easier to leave
The dry heaves are too much
You can’t come in clutch
You must lean on the crutch
You don’t have the touch
You’re not special.
You didn’t deserve that medal
The pedal of life keeps turning
But you got this burning feeling
That you aren’t earning your hurting
Maybe you’re better off deserting life all together
End it forever
Endeavor into the black-ness
You can’t go back-yes
You’re a sad sacked mess
Is cardiac arrest the best
Time to
You got a 98 on that math test
And your teacher asked you if you were stressed
You told him what’s on your chest
He’s got you
But what about your social status
There’s no apparatus
To make your feelings less static
It’s sounds dramatic
Are you a maniac?
You can’t take this negative feedback
So you lay on your back
And have an anxiety attack
While people laugh
It’s like a choreographed nightmare
But beware
The more you sit in that armchair
And wait for friends to come out of thin air
Life’s walls are being torn down
Your becoming a common noun
You’re just a thing that does homework
It’s turning you into a jerk
Your friends look at you and smirk
Your knee jerk reaction
Is to kick out the distraction
Your self-satisfaction has been subtracted
And now you’re left with
You write a note to your fam
There’s too much goddamn pressure
You don’t deserve the treasure
You deserve the dirt
They warned you about the desert
But you stayed an introvert
On the outskirts
This is gonna hurt
Can you Escape?
Before you escape
This cute girl asks you to get crepes
The word dessert just took a new shape
The drapes are opened
The glass that surrounded you is broken
She is beautiful.
Your smile is irremovable
Your love unconstitutional
You don’t need pharmaceuticals
People say you're the it couple—
That’s indisputable
Everything else is disposable
Until you’re disposable
She leaves you-you’re removable
As usual
You’re trapped in a cubicle
You try to be immovable
She calls you delusional
This pain isn’t chewable
This does not computable
Why can’t life be mutable
There’s a rumor your gay that’s immutable
You swear to your dad that it’s refutable
He thinks it’s inexcusable
This pain is irreducible
There’s only one thing that sounds suitable