Solefield Year 6 Spy Fiction Stories

by Emma Snow (FB - Solefield School)

Pages 2 and 3 of 137

Solefield Year 6
Spy Fiction Stories
Foreword from Mrs Snow
I spend a great deal of time feeling proud of Solefield boys, but I am especially thrilled to see this book take form. Our boys are so creative!
Once again, they have proven that no lockdown can hold them back. They continue to amaze me with their imagination.
Well done, boys!
1. Mission: Danger by Alex M

2. The Accident by Adam A

3. Marked for Slaughter Horowitz's story, continued by Alexander Y

4. Skeleton Key cont ... by Edward R

5. The American Spy Force by Morton S

6. The Secret Spy by Maxim O

7. The Robbery by Harry G

8. "Look out!" by Harry R

9. Fatal Gunshot by Finlay C

10. Boss by Kinnear J

11. Troubling Waters by Andrew W

12. The White Van by Samuel W
13. The Mystery of Theresa May by Soren K

14. The Void by George B

15. Unplugged by Ben H

16. My Last Words by Chris H

17. Operation Future Juice by Will W

18. Come Calling by Taran T

19. A Dark Night by Joshua C

20. Get Me Home! by Logan H

21. Free Fall by Joseph B

22. Mammeth Astro: The Bomb Game by Jasper T

23. Proximity Mug by James W

24. The Quest of the Lost Spider by Harry C

25. Stormbreaker told in the first person narrative by Fernando D

26. Under the Mask by Arthur M

27. "Speak!" by Ethan A
Mission: Danger!
by Alex M
He pushed open the heavy, reinforced steel door that barred his way. As he did so, he removed a thin, cylindrical item from his pocket, and scanned the room with it. “All clear,” he muttered to himself, instantly regretting it as he remembered the noise-sensitive security installed on the premises. He swore silently, before moving swiftly into the cavernous space before him. However, before he had walked barely a few metres into the room, his foot snagged on something, and he took a tumble into the blackness. Immediately, bells started ringing, klaxons sounded, alarms bleeped. He struggled to stand up, desperately trying to disentangle himself from the mass of wires encasing his skinny legs. He swore, there was no point being quiet now, as all the security personnel would have been alerted of his whereabouts, and already be on 
their way. Raising himself up, now fully released from the mass of wires, he ran – but would he escape?... 

The intruder woke up in a bare room, stripped of its wallpaper, stripped of its friendliness, stripped of its life. He tried to stand, however the strong iron restraints clamped mercilessly around his ankles prevented him. 

Suddenly, he became aware of a severe burning sensation in his lower legs, his gaze sharpened, and his eyes snapped down in the gloom. That was when he noticed the dried blood clasping the restraints to his raw, tattered skin. He tried to ease the metal up a fraction, only for fresh ruby red liquid to gush from his ankles, like water from a mountain spring. With exhaustion and shock, he sighed – like steam from a kettle - as he drifted back into the wispy myths of sleep. 
He awoke sharply, to the sound of clanging, as the wrought iron bars of the cell were flung open. They crashed into the brick wall opposite, revealing a menacing figure.

The prisoner looked him up and down, questioning how a man could have such bulk. His arms appeared to fill the entire width of the entrance, and he had to stoop to fit beneath the door frame. His eyes, bulging from his oversized head, as if at any moment they might come flying out of the folds of skin, like rocks from a catapult. His voice was gruff, like a bear’s grumble, as he commanded the cowering, kitten-like hostage, to get up. The menacing figure noticed the iron cuffs around his victim’s legs and laughed. Not a friendly laugh, oh no - a sinister one, the kind that exudes superiority. Still chuckling his hoarse, throaty laugh, the captor strode over. His muscly, elongated legs, covering the distance in a mere two strides. He grabbed the cowering form, lifting him as easily as a strand of hair; before slinging him effortlessly over his shoulder and storming out. 

The colossal man cast down his burden in a room holding 6 others. All wielding sharp machetes, they closed in on the newcomer. Then, like a lamb to the slaughter, the defenceless captive was left to face the peril within the room… 

Meanwhile, back at the temporary base, General B14 was questioning why Agent X101 hadn’t returned. 
The Accident
by Adam A
It was a clear black night with a clear white moon, when the so-called ‘accident’ happened. He knew who did it, but he didn’t know why. In all his years of Police training, he had not been taught how to deal with a Russian hitman killing a spy. He knew his life was in danger; they wouldn’t let someone live to tell the tale. He was certain he had to move to another county or hide in the countryside, but he couldn’t afford to do that. He was scared for his wellbeing.  

Whilst he was packing his things, they found him, and they weren’t happy. He pushed one of the Russians over. Then the ex-policeman ran around the corner. Soon he would have escaped, finally. After that, the captain called a taxi and rushed to the airport. He dashed to the airport ticket seller and bought a ticket for the next flight to India. He chose India because it would be hard to find him in the massive and densely-populated country. The young man  had a long flight ahead of him, but he was prepared. With only one backpack, full of money, he went to the nearest house for sale and he bought it. Then the man got a job as a security guard in a clothes store. 