Ancient Rome

by 4th Class A

Pages 2 and 3 of 95

Ancient Rome
4th Class A
Carrigaline Educate Together National School
This book is a collaborative effort by the children of 4th Class A at Carrigaline Educate Together National School in Ireland.

Over the past month they have been learning and researching about life in Ancient Rome. The children were then divided into groups with each group responsible for creation a chapter of the book you are now reading.

All of the images were sourced using a Creative Commons Search. The children have been learning about the importance of choosing appropriately available images for project work and have made huge efforts to ensure that all images are freely available to use. If for any reason you feel we have included an image in error please let us know and we will fix it right away.

We have also used a Dyslexic friendly font throughout the book to make it more accessibility to everyone.

Finally we hope you enjoy our book all about Ancient Rome. On the next page you will find an index of the chapters available.
Roman Military
Fall of Rome
Art and Pottery
Roman Gladiators
Gladiators were like soldiers who fought against each other, criminals and wild animals during the time of Roman Republic and Roman Empire. They were armed with deadly weapons and in most cases fought till either one of them accepted defeat or was killed fighting. Gladiators fought for the entertainment of Rome’s rich and mighty and also for public. People came to the arenas to watch gladiator games. It all sounds very cruel to us today but gladiator fighting was a popular sport in Rome, just like soccer is today. Roman people enjoyed the sight of blood and carnage.
They built amphitheaters like ‘The Colosseum’, where gladiator games were held regularly and were witnessed by excited crowds who cheered for their favourite fighters just like we cheer our favourite sportsmen and teams today.
Gladiator games reached the peak of their popularity in the last days of Roman Republic. The famous leader Julius Caesar, spent a huge amount of money on such games. During this time the games provided popular and cheap entertainment to the public and was used to gain support before elections.
The Gladiators would wait for the crowd to give them a thumbs up or a thumbs down. Thumbs down meant that the crowd wanted the Gladiator to kill their opponent.
Gladiators were recruited from different sources. Some were slaves bought from different lands under Roman control, some were prisoners of war and most of the others were volunteers. These volunteer combatants were paid for their services and were very skilled fighters. Most of the gladiators were Thracians, Gauls and Africans. There is evidence to suggest that females also took part in gladiatorial sports. Some emperors like Caligula, Commodus, Titus and Claudius also participated. But the fights involving emperors were usually fixed so that the emperor would always win.