Holocaust Poetry & Art

by Michael Saracini

Pages 6 and 7 of 125

I'm okay
By Vivian G
Made for Helen Lebowitz Goldkind

Small towns
With small people
Relatives are
All around Here

Never saw it coming
Seven children
All innocent and

Shoes were our home
They're coming
I hear them
Their hard soles,
Their hard souls

One suitcase
One place
Go to the right
Go to the left
Don't look back

Burning skin
Yellow mist
Big explosions
Everything's in motion

I'm safe
I'm sick
I can't go back
I don't regret

I'm okay
Helen Lebowitz Goldkind was a young Jewish girl who was captured by Nazis.
She was taken to Auschwitz and while everyone but her sister and her were to be killed, her and her sister survived.
They went to go work in a factory and were later saved.
Helen Lebowitz Goldkind was a young Jewish girl who was captured by Nazis.
She was taken to Auschwitz and while everyone but her sister and her were to be killed, her and her sister survived.
They went to go work in a factory and were later saved.