Newton's 2nd Law

by Mr D Brown

Pages 2 and 3 of 25

How do I use the light gates to measure acceleration?
Thought Bubble
A guide for setting up the air track for Newton's Second Law
Comic Panel 1
The glider must pass through the final gate just before the hanger touches the ground
Speech Bubble
Then slide the glider along the track until time mass holder is close to the pulley wheel.
Position the start light gate just after the current position of the glider.
Comic Panel 3
Comic Panel 4
Comic Panel 1
You will need to use 2 light gate and attach the pulley wheel at the end.
On the end of the string you hang a 10g mass hanger.
Comic Panel 2
Comic Panel 4
Comic Panel 1
Comic Panel 3
Select 'timing'
Thought Bubble
Setting up the data logger
Comic Panel 2
Make sure the first gate is plugged into port A.
Make sure the second gate is plugged into port B.
Comic Panel 4
Select 'acceleration'
Thought Bubble
Comic Panel 1
Comic Panel 3
2d.p. should be fine for this
Speech Bubble
Comic Panel 2
The length of the card on top of the rider 
Thought Bubble
Comic Panel 4
Testing the set-up
Once set up it simply takes seconds to measure the acceleration, as shown in the video