Twinkle (by Nick Bland)

by Caitriona Tynan

Pages 2 and 3 of 18

A girl sitting on a rooftop
Twinkle by Nick Bland
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Then something unusual happened.
Penny Pasketti stared into space and pretended the stars were her friends. She imagined that every twinkle was a smile or a secret or some such wonderful thing.
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She ran downstairs with adventure in mind, and there she found....
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A friend.
Together, they chased the quietness away and filled the night with giggle and bounce.
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They even shared a secret or two.
But soon it was time for Little Star to go home.
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They thought of all the ways
And Penny Pasketti promised to help.
But Little Star was too heavy and the sky, too far away.
To make something go up.
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Down was right behind it.
And when they found a way up....
Little Star thought he might never get home.
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But Penny Pasketti had another idea.