Game ideas

by SJ White (@WhatTheTrigMath)


Comic Panel 1
1. Set the tone
Send the invitations, make it personal, make it fun.
Schedule reminders to
your event as well
People may forget!
Comic Panel 2
2. Make everyone
Encourage people to say "hi"
Plan some opening topics
to ask in the chat
Comic Panel 3
What is your favourite chocolate bar?
Speech Bubble
3. Explain the running
If players need
equipment, paper, pens
give them a heads up!
Comic Panel 1
4. Get moving
Make the first game
physical, get them moving
Ask ahead of time
if people can move around
choose activities to your group!
Comic Panel 2
5. Timings
Have a timer ready
Keep an eye on the
time! You don't want
people to leave mid
game because you over ran!
Comic Panel 2
Comic Panel 3
6. Breakouts
How many breakout
rooms do your games need?
2, one for each team?
10, on for each pair?
Set them up at the start
Assign groups or randomise
Game ideas
Comic Panel 1
7. Alphabet soup
- Split players into teams
- Assign them to breakout
- Set a timer

- Collect as many items
for each letter in the

- Set rules age
e.g. no duplication

Come back to the main
meeting room

Read the alphabet aloud
players hold up their item
for each letter, the winning team
is the one who gets
furthest in the alphabet!
Comic Panel 2
8. Longest word
- Split players into teams
- Assign them to breakout
- Set a timer

- Collect as many items
to make the longest words

Come back to the main
meeting room

Players spell their team's word holding
up their items for each letter,
the winning team is the one who gets
the longest word!
Comic Panel 3
9. Rainbow words
- Split players into teams
- Assign them to breakout
- Set a timer

- Collect as many items of
different colours
to make a rainbow

Come back to the main
meeting room

Players make a rainbow holding
up their items for each colour
the winning team is the one who gets
the most complete rainbow!