A new book

by Lexi-Brooke


The Storm Out At Sea
by Lexi-Brooke Whitley
As if Hades, from The Underworld below, was angry, blackness ascended from his kingdom and had soon smothered the sky.
Every minute
As the storm grew bigger, it threatened more and more underneath it.
the storm ferociously rose, making many people fear the outside world.
Soon after the storm threatened all, a grey, eerie mist covered the dark, wavy sea.
Every minute
As the storm grew bigger, it threatened more and more underneath it.
Soon after the storm threatened all, a grey, eerie mist covered the dark, wavy sea.
A bit later, small, delicate raindrops fell. Well, at least the people thought they were delicate.....
A small period of time after that, they started falling heavily and were very hard. One of the sharp raindrops hit a lady's hand so hard it left her in a lot of agony.
Thick clouds swarmed over the rough, grey sea. Soon enough, HUGE bolts of lightning crashed down on the ocean, causing a huge splash and scaring everyone. "AHHHHHHH" all of the people screamed, with the storm attacking mercilessly.
Like an ENORMOUS monster, a whirlpool swallowed a little, innocent boat whole.
Thick clouds swarmed over the rough, grey sea. Soon enough, HUGE bolts of lightning crashed down on the ocean, causing a huge splash and scaring everyone. "AHHHHHHH" all of the people screamed, with the storm attacking mercilessly.
Eventually, the storm calmed down but there were still holes in the walls from the hard, heavy hailstones and there were still swirling whirlpools twisting in the sea.