A new book

by Aidan Cattell


My lost family in the zombie world
As the world turned from happy to sad and when I say sad I mean a deadly, dark and hostile place, believe me I have to LIVE here.But it's not like home sweet home.
I never actually knew my family all I know is that I was only 3 years old when I lost my family in the zombie world.
I was found by a group of teenagers in an abandoned car at the side of the road. They took me to their colony and looked after me and raised me.
Being the youngest has some bad things to it like being the only one that has not got there parents with them.
But I still have some kind people with me and beside me.
But I still have some kind people with me and beside me.
I haven't seen the sun for 18 years but I'm 21 years old now. yeah it's been a heck of a long time since I've seen the light.