Burmese Soup

by Lyly San


Pya Hin
A Chin Curry
Lyly San
My name is Lyly San. I have six people in my family. I have four sisters and two brothers. All of my family works on a farm.
I got married when I was 22 years old. I have 4 children, two boys and two girls. So far, they have enjoyed Crawford elementary and the chance to get an education.
I am Chin. It is a state in the western part of Burma. Our people speak 52 different dialects of our language and are very unique people. The Chin capital city is Ha Ka. 
I want to share with you a food that every Chin loves to eat. This food is very traditional and popular. Pya Hin is the name of the curry. 
We cook it for special guests, like pastors, best friends and visitors we prepare the curry to welcome everyone to our home. We also cook this food on special days, like holidays and family gatherings.