Teens' Values: Play the List

by BG-ES


Dear Readers,

In this book you may see our teens' values expressed in the songs which we like.
Here you will observe our creative, digital and language skills.
Looking through the book, you may listen to the songs passing via interactive wordArt clouds. 

Play games and enjoy yourselves while you are learning English!
Music, ICT & English = 3 in 1 amazing book created by Spanish & Bulgarian teams thanks to eTwinning.net.

Faithfully yours,
BG & ES students and teachers
"Teens' values: Play the list"
- An integrated project
- It involves three subjects of our school curriculum:
Music, ICT and English
- Relations between the songs we like and values we defend
- Target groups: 15 Secondary students from Spain and Bulgaria.

Partner schools:
Nesho Bonchev High School, Bulgaria
IES Padre Feijoo, Gijon, Spain

• To establish a regular contact with other European centres within Erasmus+ program.
• To develop interdisciplinary projects about curriculum contents between both centres.
• Express and develop ideas clearly and with increasing accuracy, both orally and in writing.
• To make a relation between the music teens usually listen to and the values they often defend or take into account.
• To design, use and evaluate computational abstractions that model the state and behaviour of real-world problems.
• Undertake creative projects that involve selecting, using, and combining multiple applications, preferably across a range of devices, to achieve challenging goals, including collecting and analysing data.
• To develop a deepening understanding of the music that they listen, and its history.
• To support and connect key competences, aims and interdisciplinary work through:
- Team work
- Tolerance and respect to others
- Equal treatment of gender
- Enhancing personal and common fondness
Working Process:

30 students divided into 5 BG-ES teams (3 Spanish +3 Bulgarian)

- The classroom - students are divided into heterogeneous groups.
- Each group assumes one cloud’s work: Environment and nature; Future – Tomorrow’s world; Health & Good habits; Cultures and respect; Peace, Love & Friendship - online meeting and throwing a dice.
- Dragging Spanish and Bulgarian groups ( Each group / cloud includes Spanish and Bulgarian members).
- Each group created a vocabulary “cloud” about the topic they are working on through WordArt app.
- We shared vocabulary (Google Drive files/clouds) and the song that represents our aims best.
- We created the final songs play list with the chosen songs.