Ме & ЕU

by TEAM NB 9v & SB


The European Union & Me
What is EU (European Union)?
The European Union (EU) is a politial and economic union of 28 member countries that are located primarily in Europe. EU policies aim to ensure the fre movement of people, goods, service and cpital within the internal market, enact legislation in justice and home affairs and maintain common policies on trade, agriculture, fisheris and regional development.
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The union was established in 1999 and came into full force in 2002 and is composed of 19 member countries which use the euro currency. Bulgaria became part of it in 2007
European institutions
The EU has an institutional framework aimed at promoting and defending its values, objectives and interests, the interests of its citizens and those of its member countries. The institutional framework comprises 7 institutions:

· the European Parliament;
· the European Council;
· the Council of the European Union (simply called ‘the Council’);
· the European Commission;
· the Court of Justice of the European Union;
· the European Central Bank;
· the Court of Auditors.
Ode to Joy
Anthem of European Union
Every EU institution works in sync with others!
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The Council of Europe
Strasburg, France
The Council of Europe is a political international organization of the countries of Europe that works for the purposes of European integration. The organization promotes cooperation among all countries in Europe in the areas of law, human rights, democratic development and cultural cooperation. The organization has 47 countries with 800 million inhabitants and is a fully autonomous body existing separately from the EU. Unlike the EU, the Council of Europe has no power to create laws. The two organizations share a common flag and anthem.
The European
The European Parliament is the legislative part of the EU. It is directly elected by voters in the EU every 5 years. Together with the Council of the European Union, it implements the EU's legislative power. The current President of the European Parliament is the Italian politician Antonio Tajani (EPP), elected on 17 January 2017. The EP represents 500 million people and its role is to create different initiatives.
The Member States