A new book

by Dominic Brown


Basketball By.Dominic Brown
Table of contents
1.The rules of basketball

2.The Objective of basketball

3.Where basketball is played

4.All The equipment you need for basketball

5. Why do you need to wear high top shoes

6. Famous basketball players
Table of contents

1.The rules to basketball are' there are only 5 people allowed out on the gym at a time' 5 from each team.
You have to be dribbling the ball at all times and if you stop then you have to pass the ball to your team mate also if you dribble the ball then hold it with 2 hands and dribble again then it is called a dab-ale dribble.
You also cant walk with the ball without dribbling or they will call a travel.Also you can not have fiscal contact with someone only you can hit the ball not the person if you do then it is a foul.
2. The objective of basketball is you have to make the basketball into the basketball hoop the basketball hoop has a square back Bored with a wight box in the middle and then below the box there is a metal ring with a net tied to it and you have to make the basketball into the metal ring and then you get points.
3. Normally Basketball is played in a Jim but it could also be played outside on blacktop or even at home in your driveway.

4. The equipment you use in basketball is shorts t shirt high top shoes and if wanted a mouth gard.

5. The reason you need to where high top shoes is because you need good ancal support lots of players sprain/brake there ancals for not having any support.