A new book

by Hannah Long


The Witching Hour
Table Of Contents
Chapter One- What Are Paranormal Beliefs?
Chapter Two- What Is The Witching hour?
Chapter Three- The Medias Reactions
Chapter Four- Ways Of Contact
Chapter Five- Witness's Experience
The paranormal is Something many people find interesting. From ghosts to ghouls and more nobody has an exact answer to what they are. Some people believe everyone has an inner montalog or soul that leaves your body when you die. Others believe your soul goes with God to Heaven or to the underworld. Some even think that nothing happens, everything goes black and it is just over. there is also many people who believe there are different types of ghosts. Take a demon for example. A demon is an evil energy known to cause mental and/or physical harm to people. there is also the nicer spirits who simply have trouble leaving the physical realm.
Some spirits may appear in the form of a ghost or spirit orb. Orbs are small dust sized particles that usually symbolize a spirit being around.
With all the interesting information about spirits many people forget about the dangers of contacting the dead. THe worst time to contact them is between three and four AM. Also known as the Witching hour

Chapter two- What Is The Witching Hour
The Witching Hour is believed to be the most haunted time. At this time a so called "portal" opens and allows anything supernatural to travel into our physical realm. This ranges from ghosts to demons and even angels . If you believe people can be possessed, this is a time it could happen. Many people believe possessions are crazy and result to exorcisms. However, some possessions are very minor. Most people who have minor possessions will have irritation in the eyes and will see the Devil as a figure of faith or love. Some times a person will favor the color red or number thirteen.
Many people have seen things out of the ordinary at this hour as well. Some people claim to see shadow figures/shadow people. Shadow figures are dark silhouettes that look like people based on the shape. many people claim they look just like a dark human shaped figure. Some people even claim to see shadow figures behind them when they look in the mirror.
Many people will also experience Sleep Paralysis during this time. Sleep Paralysis is a phenomenon where a person suddenly becomes paralyzed either when falling asleep or waking up. Sleep Paralysis is caused by REM(rapid eye movement). Sleep Paralysis is quite terrifying especially if you begin to see figures. Many people will see shadow figures lurking in shadowy corners. Or also experience seeing a figure sitting on them. Some people claim the figures will sit on their chest, making it very hard to breathe.
3 AM is known to scare people. Ghosts and Demons can sense fear and will do everything they can to negatively impact your thoughts.

Chapter three- The Media
Many YouTubers have taken advantage of this time and turned it into entertainment. For example take Sam And Colby. Sam, (Full name: Samuel John Golbach) even made merchandise based on three a.m. Sam has played many paranormal games including The Midnight Man and One Man Hide And Seek. Sam, Colby and their friend group even stayed in room B340 on the Queen Mary ship