A new book

by Brayden Phillips


By: Brayden
Chapter 1: Breeds

Chapter 2: Puppies

Chapter 3: Food

Chapter 4: Helpful.
Chapter one
There are many different breeds of dogs. According to the American Kennel Club they are over 343. Some of these breeds are hounds,sporting dogs,terriers, and toy dogs. On the American Kennel Club they have a dog selector that accommodate the needs for you and your family. Some dogs are super energetic and some are laid back and sleep all day.
Chapter two
Chapter Three
If already know this puppies are offspring of dogs Puppies have many more needs than adult dogs. Such as how puppies can't just have the same dog food that you would give to a dog. They need a smaller size so it is easier to digest. Also that need smaller portion of water. You need to establish time from them to go out to the bathroom and probably have bathroom has around the house. You need to get your puppies shots. They also need training and to go to the dog park for socialization. And beds and toys will make your dog more active.
Dogs can eat certain human food along with their own dog food. Some foods they can eat are bread, cashews, cheese, coconut, corn, and egg.But some foods you should never give a dog. Such as chocolate, cinnamon, garlic, and ice cream unless it is dog ice cream. Normally you give them normal dog food and water. You can give them dog canned food if they can't digest the pieces easily.
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Dogs can eat certain human food along with their own dog food. Some foods they can eat are bread, cashews, cheese, coconut, corn, and egg.But some foods you should never give a dog. Such as chocolate, cinnamon, garlic, and ice cream unless it is dog ice cream. Normally you give them normal dog food and water. You can give them dog canned food if they can't digest the pieces easily.
Chapter four
Dogs can help humans be happier and healthier in their everyday life. According to the American Kennel Club dogs give you healthier hearts. They also can give you a more active lifestyle. You can run around with your dog and play with them. If you feel lonely dogs get help you feel like someone is there to help you. Lastly they can lower your stress level. They can help you feel calm and peaceful. Then there is service dogs who can help military or can help blind people find there way around. Some dogs can be trained do things such as sniff out bombs or help save someones life from fire.