
by Isaac Spottek


By: Isaac
Table of Contents
Introduction: Cats and Felines

Chapter 1: The basics of cats

Chapter 2: Food and diet

Chapter 3: Activities

Chapter 4: Cleaning

Chapter 5: Health and Safety

Cats are the furry friend you can find in a suburban neighborhood or in a deep dark forest. Whether it is either one of those places they share similar needs from humans or natural resources. Cats come very simple as soon as they are born. They mostly just need rest, food, and milk form their parent or guide. Felines have a lot learn about and they come fun when you take car of one
Chapter 1: The Basics of Cats
Cats are small furry animals with great hearing and stealthy movement. Cats have a very deep history in time up to this day.
Back in time in Egypt where Pharaohs were worshiped by Egyptians and they built big monument like pyramids and big statue like tombs in the form of a big cat. Now days some people own cats and keep them from the dangers of out doors while some cats have to thrive in the outside world.
Cats originated in the wild like Lions, Pumas, and Jaguars but were bred to live in households. There are some strays outside that reproduce spreading so it's often you'll find a feline on your property or in your neighborhood.
Cats have a lot of adaptations that allow them to survive in the wilderness. Cats have pads under their feet that make them tolerant of walking on tough terrain. Cats also have big claws along with a silent prance that helps them hunt easily.
Felines have been with us since the very start of civilization on earth. They are little companions that are fun to own and take care of.
Chapter 2: Food and Diet
Cats eat a lot of food in their lifetime so you need to create a diet for them. Cats tend to hunt a lot as instinct and they get quality meals from that. As a human you don't hunt for your cat so you have to buy your cat food.
Cat food comes in two ways, dry and wet. Dry food is sold in bulk and is very cheap for unit pricing and wet food is sold per can which can be pretty pricey. Whatever situation you're in, you decide what to buy. They are both perfectly healthy for your cat as long as you feed them in healthy servings that will prevent them from getting fat and chunky. Good things to do when feeding your cat is to give it something to eat during your time eating in a small amount for all three meals.
In order to preserve your cat's healthy body, you need to keep in mind that food is a key part in a cat's life.
Chapter 3: Activities
Cats are very energetic at a young age so you have to do activities to use their energy.
Cats love toys and other cats to play with and interact. You can get together with a friend to bring your cats for a little play date to have fun. You can also buy some small toys like a stuffed mouse or a string to entertain them.
There are some ways to master play time with a cat as well. Recreating movements of a small animal can create a simulation of hunting which is practically just training your feline to hunt.
A fun thing to purchase for a cheap price is cat nip. It's a great spice like substance that can make a cat go crazy. It puts them in a state of mind causing them to freak out. It is amusing and harmless, just expect strange behavior.
In order to have a fun time time with your pet feline, you have to create some entertainment for them to create a better bond and have a great time laughing at their huge pupils.
Along with being adventurous , cats can get very dirty and create a mess in your home that can make your life that much more annoying.
Whether it is bringing in some mud in your home or soaking your furniture you can prevent it.
When your cat gets dirty make sure to give it some washes in the tub or sink to get rid of the muck. Another way is to keep your cat inside when it rains or when the weather is wet and gloomy.
Cats most of the time dislike water will not cooperate nicely so cleaning them has it's flaws.
Cats can take care of most of the work because they lick themselves with their sand paper like tongues which thoroughly cleans their body.
Felines should be cleaned to say in good shape and to be custom to your household.