A new book

by Aida MacNamee


By : Aida
Table of Contents

Chapter 1- Care

Chapter 2- Training

Chapter 3- Breeds

Chapter 4- Supplies

Chapter 5- Facts

A very common pet is a dog. Dogs take a lot of care and responsibility, but they are an overall great choice if you're looking for a pet.
Chapter 1: Caring
Caring for a dog is hard work and a big responsibility. A dog will need to be taken out once an hour and feed, groomed, bathed, and given lots of attention. Every month, depending on your dogs hair type, it should be washed. If your dog has long hair or fur then it might need a bath twice or even three times a month. A dog will also need walks and plenty of exercise. Without lots of exercise, dogs are prone to issues such as diabetes and lung problems. It is crucial that a dog gets proper care and attention.
Chapter 2: Training
Training a dog can be difficult and frustrating. You need patience and establish routines in order to train a puppy. A dog should be potty trained and taught to sit and stay. When training a dog you can do it or you could have a professional do it. With a professional, it may go faster but it will also be expensive. The average cost is $30 to $80 dollars a class and keep in mind you will need more than one class.
Chapter 3: Breeds
There are many types of dogs and many breeds and each breed have their own recurring behaviors. Some dog breeds include, German Shepard, Beagle, Poodle, Bulldog, Chihuahua, and many more. There is over 340 breeds. Each breed can be used for different purposes besides being a pet. For example, German Shepard's are commonly used at Police dogs, Australian Shepard's and Border Collies can be used for Herding cattle and livestock. Many breeds can be used for hunting such as Beagles, Pointers, Greyhounds, and Bloodhounds. No matter what breed you choose, they are all great companions.
Getting a new dog is exciting and you'll need a lot of supplies. A new dog will need shampoo (make sure it is proper dog shampoo because any other shampoo will damage their skin), food and water bowls, a leash and collar, food- look for puppy food and make sure the food is a size that will be safe for your dogs size. Prices can vary from $2-$150 depending on the size of the bag.