A new book

by Jacob Lasicki


By Jacob
Chapter 1. What are chinchillas?
Chapter 2. Chinchilla fur.
Chapter 3. What do chinchillas eat?
Chapter 4. How to care for chinchillas.
Chapter 5. Chinchilla cages
Chinchillas are small, rat-like animals that have become very popular as pets. Chinchillas are great pets if you are able to take care of them. But what is a chinchilla? and what do you need to take care of it?
Chapter 1, What are chinchillas?
Chinchillas are South American animals. They are about the size of a guinea Pig. They come in all different colors. They are native to the Andes Mountains. Chinchillas are originally from countries like Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, and Chile, but are now only wild in Chile. Chinchillas live in small crevices or rocks. Though they may not seem agile, They can jump up to 6 feet high! They eat things like plant leaves and small insects.
Chapter 2, Chinchilla Fur.
The fur of a chinchilla is very unique. It cannot dry, which means it can't get wet. If their fur does get wet and is not dried manually, they will develop fungal infections that will eventually kill them. If for some reason your chinchilla gets wet, immediately get a hair dryer and dry the chinchilla on the cool setting. But how do they bathe? Chinchillas bathe in fine volcanic ash. You can buy a small plastic bin that they can climb in. If you put the dust in that bin, they instinctively roll around in the ash to bathe themselves.
Chapter 3, what do chinchillas eat?
Chapter 4, how to care for chinchillas.
Chinchillas eat different types of grasses and hay. They can also eat grass-based rabbit pellets. Their teeth continuously grow throughout their lives, so they eat rough things like hay to wear them down. Chinchillas can also eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. Some of those foods are carrots, kale, parsley, lettuce, collard greens, strawberries, pears, bananas and apples. But if you want to feed a chinchilla one of those, you will first have to break it up into small pieces.