A new book

by Kaylea Guilfoyle


By: Kaylea
Table Of Contents
Chapter 1: Cat Breeds
Chapter 2: Body and Behavior
Chapter 3: Shelter
Chapter 4: Food/supplies
Cats are a popular pet in the United States. They are very unique every cat is different in some sort of way.
Chapter 1
There are many cat breeds 48 to be exact, according to purina.
There are hairless cats such as, the elf cat, the Ukrainian Levkoy, the Bambino and many more
Along with hairless cats there are long haired cats. Such as, persians, Birmans, Norwegian forest cat, Siberian cat and much more.
Lastly there's short haired cats including British short hair, American short hair, Asian short hair and many other short haired breeds.
Some might say that you can't entertain a cat, but they are wrong. There are many things you can do keep a cat occupied/entertained.
One thing that will keep your cat occupied is being able to look outdoors. Looking out a window is like watching television for a cat. While looking outside a cat might look forward to watching your neighbors afternoon walk. Hanging bird feeders outside your window will interest your cat in birds, they could be looking out a window for hours. It is important to have many windows or a area a cat can look out into the nature, such as a glass door.
Other ways to keep a cat entertained includes food puzzles, toys, cardboard boxes, fish tanks and catnip. These things are great to leave out for your at whether you're on vacation or just going grocery shopping.
Chapter 2
Some might say that you can't entertain a cat, but they are wrong. There are many things you can do keep a cat occupied/entertained.
One thing that will keep your cat occupied is being able to look outdoors. Looking out a window is like watching television for a cat. While looking outside a cat might look forward to watching your neighbors afternoon walk. Hanging bird feeders outside your window will interest your cat in birds, they could be looking out a window for hours. It is important to have many windows or a area a cat can look out into the nature, such as a glass door.
Other ways to keep a cat entertained includes food puzzles, toys, cardboard boxes, fish tanks and catnip. These things are great to leave out for your at whether you're on vacation or just going grocery shopping.
Chapter 3
When taking care of a cat there are many things you must know. Such as basic care. Feeding, grooming, and litter boxes all go under basic care.
As simple as feeding a cat can be there are many things you must know. Purchasing the right food for your cat can be difficult but talking to your veterinarian is highly recommended because they are able to assess your cat and determine the best diet for it. Your veterinarian may mention the texture of your cats food may be more important to them then the flavor. If you have felt a cats tongue it feels similar to sand paper, that is because they have tiny thorn like barbs facing backwards that guides food to the back of there mouth.
Many times owners can not get there cat to drink enough water. Cats with certain health problems need to drink more water than a average cat.
To help your cat drink more you could increase the number of bowls of water, try running water from a sink, add water to there food, and vary the type of bowl. You should provide clean fresh water and clean the water bowl(s) daily.
Grooming your cat is a important thing to do. Many cats stay clean and rarely need a bath. Brushing a cat often will help the cat and as well as you. Brushing your cat will reduce the amount of shedding, cuts down the amount of hairballs, and keeps your cats fur clean.