COVID in Slovenia

by Nives Senekovič


Nives Senekovič, 8.b, 27.10.2020

In Slovenia, we confirmed the first infection with the new coronavirus on 4 March 2020. We are monitoring the epidemiological situation with intensified testing, and depending on the number of infected we are taking and adapting measures to curb the spread of the new coronavirus among us. Official data on the number of infected indicate that we are facing a second wave of the covid-19 infectious disease epidemic. We are witnessing its rapid and exponential spread among the population, which is why the Government has declared an epidemic in the entire territory of the Republic of Slovenia.

On 18 of October, the Slovenian government declared another epidemic.
Currently, the borders between municipalities are closed in Slovenia, masks are mandatory in the open air if there is no distance of 3m between people.
From the week of October the 19 to 23, the kindergartens were still open, they are currently closed, and the school was only open for grades 1 to 5.
The rest — the seniors had work from home.
Shops are and still are closing, only shops with food and the most necessary things for survival remain open.
The total number of confirmed cases of infection since the first case is 25 603, 12 025 are men and 13 578 are women.
There are currently 16 348 active cases in Slovenia.

When it was quarantined in March, we were locked up in dormitories and the students were able to deal with teleworking (remote/distance learning) for the first time, which was new and unknown to most of us.
It was difficult. Very difficult. We were also not allowed to socialize, which was even harder for us teenagers. We used to be together every day but now at once nothing.
It is true that in the beginning at least some of us were satisfied with a little peace but we also started to miss society soon.