Elders Remembering Allakaket

by Students of Allakaket School


Julia and Pollock Simon Interview & illustrations
Teacher: Anne Elshazly
Stewart B, Grade 7
Keara E, Grade 7
Nicole B, Grade 7
Simon N, Grade 6

Steven Bergman Interview & illustrations
Teacher: Sarah Bailey
Joy B, Grade 5
Terrance S, Grade 5
Aiyana E, Grade 5
Evan S, Grade 4
Nevaeh C, Grade 4
Shane B, Grade 3
Tristan L, Grade 3
Leah E, Grade 2
Isaiah M, Grade 2
Hazel S, Grade 2

Valerie Bergman Interview & Illustrations
Teacher: David Fields
Nicole B, Grade 7
Stuart B, Grade 7
Keara E, Grade 7
Rhea L, Grade 11
Simon N, Grade 6

Fred Ned Sr. Interview & Illustrations
Teacher: David Fields
Rhea L, Grade 11
Nicole B, Grade 7
Stuart B, Grade 7
Keara E, Grade 7
Simon N, Grade 6

Thanks To
Principal Larry Parker and Superintendent Kerry Boyd for their leadership in making the Allakaket Book Slam possible.

Book Slam Project Management
Steve Nelson, Project Coordinator, Consortium for Digital Learning, Association of Alaska School Boards
Cheryl Bobo, Site Facilitator

© 2019 Yukon-Koyukuk School District
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Julia talks about the meaning of her Denaakk'e name.
Julia went to school in a one room log cabin schoolhouse in Allakaket. Pollock went to a similar school in Hughes. The got married in Allakaket in the Episcopal church near the river in 1968. They both grew up driving sled dogs and sometimes raced them. They both endured the terrible Allakaket flood of the Koyukuk River in 1994. They live in Allakaket to this day.
Julia and Pollack talk about mushing dogs.
Wedding: They got married in the church by the river in 1968.
Flood: The flood happened in 1994. The community was evacuated by helicopter.
One room log cabin school: The kids went to school in a one room log school house near the river.
Dog racing: Julia and Pollock both raced the sled dogs.
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Steven talks about trapping, dog mushing, snow blindness, village economy, and what he did for fun as a kid.
Steven Bergman was born in Allakaket around the year 1950. His mom’s name was Elizabeth. His grandmother did not attend school and only spoke Denaake. Her children had to read and help her sign her name. He lived in fish camp until 1956, when he started school. He did not learn cursive or Western History. His favorite subject was math. When it was lunch time, he would have an hour to go home to get his lunch or to check his trap lines. His favorite sport is basketball. When he was younger he played soccer, but they called it football. He did not attend high school in Allakaket, so he was away from home from the age of 14-19.

He wanted to be a Veterinarian because he really loved working with dogs. He went to the University of Alaska Fairbanks for a few years. When Steven was around 21, he came back to Allakaket and started getting into dog racing. At one time he had about 70 dogs. Today, he has 21 dogs that he still races. He makes sleds and snowshoes. He loves to go trapping. Steven is also a member of the CSC board for Allakaket School. Steven married Gladys, and they had 5 children. His one child, Gordon, is the First Chief of Allakaket. 