Please help protect local habitats and animals

by Kate

Pages 2 and 3 of 3

Step two : How to help !!!
secondly, you can stop it by : no littering ,don't chop down to many trees ,don't eat to much Pam oil which is from chopping down to many trees and is also from some food like dairy chocolate nutella and more unhealthy foods
step three : why not in the sea as well
why not in the sea ? well, don't litter in the sea as we said earlier they play an role in our lives but in one fish a sailor choked on a plastic bag inside the fish and died and 50,000 plastic bags in a killer whale
last step: last note

Because your killing there might not be enough farmers to grow any more food even we might not have herbs to pick.

so in meaning of the sentence above you can help the world to be a better place with lots of nice animals

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