How to build a natural habitat By heidi

by Year 4 2018-19 Year 4


How to build a natural habitat for animals
By Heidi
Animals's homes are called "habitats". They live in them like we do! Animals need shelter from the rain,they can also use them for hiding from predators.
Need to know more about how you can create a natural habitat,read the instructions carefully?
Step 1: Pick up sticks and leaves that have fallen off trees.
Step 2:Arrange the sticks into a barrow shape.
Step 3:Decorate the barrow with leaves.
Why should this happen?
This should happen because some animals survive in the woods,without a home,so we should make a place they could call home,to survive all the storms and sun rays.
Now,if you go outdoors and you have nothing to do, try this activity it will help our environment.