how to go pond dipping

by Year 4 2018-19 Year 4


How to go pond dipping
bye Amy
I hope you enjoy
[learn something as well]
If you go pond dipping in the wild,you could find some amazing animals just like shrimp. Read this great tutorial, then you can find out how to see magnificent creachers in the pretty pond.

Why would you want to do it?
Do you want to find some amazing animals?

What you will need is:a small fishing net about the size of a medium plastic box, a pond and fantastic hunting skills!

you should go pond dipping because you can find out different things about animals that you didn't know before.

sometimes, when you learn about new creachers in the wild you can teach other people as well. I HOPE you found this information useful!

PS:Make sure that you don't do it in a fast flowing pond because your animal can flow away. Also don't do it in a deep pond because you might not beable to reach the animal.

PS:do pond dipping in a pond wereyou know there is animals.

ponds you could make:
wait untill it rains to fill up
wait until it rains to fill up
I hope you enjoyed ! This told you how to make or go pond dipping. maybe one day you could TELL someone about it
Hope you learnt a lot

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