How to plan a nice trip planned!

by Year 4 2018-19 Year 4

Pages 2 and 3 of 5

Do you want to have a nice trip planned?Come down to Dore and Totley station or any train station in Sheffield.Hope down to the Peak District for a nice relaxing day in the woods with your friends with an unlimited supply of things to see.If you need to know how to have a nice trip planned then look at this book on how to have a nice trip planned!
How to have a nice trip planned!
*First go to the website and book a train or get a ticket. Make sure you check the timetable because they only come at surten times
*Second go on the day you said you were going to go on and get there and wait for the train to come .
*Finally go to the Peak District and then have a really nice walk with lots of nice food for a picnic and have lots of fun games planned

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