How does the natural world work

by Rayyan

Pages 2 and 3 of 9

Chapter 1
You are about to read an explaination text of animals and the natural world.
Finished your habitat and don't now what to do next? Come back and read this chapter!
Ever wondered why moths are attracted to light? Well read on to find out more!
How to make a woodlice habitat:
1.Find dead wood in a forest(or somewhere else!)
2.Gather the dead wood and pile it up.
3.Lay out the dead wood in a clearing of a tree and leave it alone.
You should do this because it will give nature and wildlife a home plus it will encourage woodlice.
Before you do anything, here is some safety rules:
1.Don't pull wild grass.
2.Always explore with a adult(or if your parents/guardians allow you,by yourself!)
3.Don't drink sea water, it has too much salt, bring a water bottle instead.
4.Leave wild animals and minibeasts alone (i.e: don't touch them.)
5.Try not to go too close to nettles and other stingy/sharp plants.
Need more info? Well here's a fun fact: moths love light because it helps them see better in the dark (that's why they only come out at night!)
Now we will build a hole for animals to hide from predators e.g: worms hide from crows.
I hope you find this information useful. Now go and build!
Chapter 2
Finished your habitat and don't now what to do next? Come back and read this chapter!
You should do this because it will give nature and wildlife a home plus it will encourage woodlice.
Before you do anything, here is some safety rules:
1.Don't pull wild grass.
2.Always explore with a adult(or if your parents/guardians allow you,by yourself!)
3.Don't drink sea water, it has too much salt, bring a water bottle instead.
4.Leave wild animals and minibeasts alone (i.e: don't touch them.)
5.Try not to go too close to nettles and other stingy/sharp plants.
Now we will build a hole for animals to hide from predators e.g: worms hide from crows.
I hope you find this information useful. Now go and build!

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