Eloise's Egypt encyclopedia

by Eloise


Eloise's Egypt Encyclopedia
By Eloise
p.g1Ancient Egyptian Cats
p.g2 Pyramids
p.g3 pharoahs
p.g4 Music in Egypt
p.g 5 What do people do in egypt
Ancient Egyptian cats
Cats in ancient Egypt were represented in social and religous practice of Acient Egypt for more than 30 centuries.
Bastet,also called Bast,ancient Egyptian goddess worshiped in the form of a lioness and later a cat
The Egyptian pyramids are ancient pyramid-shaped masonry structures located in Egypt. As of November 2008, sources cite either 118 or 138 as the number of identified Egyptian pyramids. Most were built as tombs for the country's pharaohs and their consorts during the Old and Middle kingdom periods.
Pharoahs in Egypt are like kings and queens.
Most were men except two well known Pharoahs which were women,such as Cleopatra and Nefertiti.
Pharoahs were most powerful in Egypt.
Music in Egypt
The Music & Dance of Ancient Egypt. A wide variety of musical instruments were played. Some of these instruments included ivory and bone clappers, harps and lutes, and percussion instruments such as drums, sistra, cymbals and the like. There are four basic types of musical instruments in Ancient Egypt