Ranga's Guide to Book Creator

by Daren White @Rangathetrainer

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Welcome to this ebook all about Book Creator, made with Book Creator.

I'm Daren, Learning technologies Lead for 2 secondary schools in Essex & Google Certified Trainer. I've taught MFL for over 20 years but have also teach digital skills.

I must confess that I am a relative newcomer to Book Creator myself, having only really explored its potential since the Covid 19 crisis. I guess, like many of you, this gave me time to take stock and reevaluate how we deliver content.

The reason for this book is simple...more people need to know how easy Book Creator is to use. With some careful planning you can create engaging books to inspire your learners or your colleagues that include all manner of multimedia.

This is too good not to explore. I'm not an expert by any means but I wanted to share with you all what I've learnt so far, I'm sure there's plenty more we can learn from each other.

Daren, @rangathetrainer
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Starting out
There are several packages available for Book Creator but you can sign up for a free account that gives you 1 library and up to 40 books to use in your classroom. You can upgrade at any time to a superior package.
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My account
Sign in, select the years you teach and the subjects, then give your library a name. That's all you need to do to get started.
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Starting out
There are several packages available for Book Creator but you can sign up for a free account that gives you 1 library and up to 40 books to use in your classroom. You can upgrade at any time to a superior package.
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My account
Sign in, select the years you teach and the subjects, then give your library a name. That's all you need to do to get started.