A new book

by DR2023 Isabella V


By: Isabella V.
What is a star?
A star is a big ball that makes its own light and heat.
Did you know that the sun is a star?
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What is a constellation?
A constellation is a group of stars that make imaginary shapes in the sky. Every constellation has a name!
This constellation is Leo, the Lion
Can constellations change?
Yes! Constellations change! Constellations change with the seasons. In summer there are different constellations than in winter.
You can see Ursa Major, the Big Bear in a different season than you can see Canis Major, the Big Dog.
How many constellations are there?
There are 84 constellations in the sky. A few of the constellations names are Sagittarius, the Tea Pot and Orion, the Hunter.
This one is Orion, the Hunter.
This one is Sagittarius, the Tea Pot
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