The Story of the Three Sedimentary Rocks

by Shreyas K

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A long, long, time ago, when nothing you would recognize today existed, there were three sedimentary rock brothers. They lived in a village known as Strataton. They were the bravest rocks in town, defending it from igneous empires like the Empire of Obsidian. They saved the day more than once in the little town.
Strataton still exists today! Check it out!
One day, Chieftain Chalk, the ruler of the village, decided to send the three rocks off on their own quest.

"I am proud of you three. You have bravely defended the people inside our village. But we must learn what is outside our village. I would like to send you three off on a quest to find out what is around Strataton."

The three brothers each packed what they needed and left.
We got Chieftain Chalk to get his picture taken when we interviewed him for this story!